An update from the managing director

In late 2014 several colleagues and I established Alexandria agenda, a new venture in ethical consulting specialising in issues of governance, diversity and education.

In our first year, we decided to provide pro bono services to three rather different organisation, each of which was facing considerable challenges but was strongly committed to realising its immense potential. Since then we have been engaged by a wide range of organisations, including the Islamic Council of Victoria, the City of Darebin, the Islamic Shia Council of Victoria, La Trobe University, Swinburne University of Technology, and La Trobe Melbourne (part of Navitas Group).

We have now developed a unique suite of services we’re offering local councils aimed at capacity building in cultural diversity. The program is geared to reaching key sectors of the local community and responding to their various needs.. We have in mind the business sector, educators, agencies engaged in human services, housing, the arts, culture and creative innovation, and the NGO sector with a particular focus on environment, social equity and human rights.